Self Care is Health Care

We are just a few short months away from the end of the year - and most of my clients tell me that they are having to really dig deep to find the motivation, energy and strength to keep going.  Face it, it's been practically ten months of slog and hard work, hasn't it? 

Most high achieving women I know are REALLY REALLY BAD at self care. Just the thought to taking time out to focus on THEM for a moment, can create all sorts of feelings of 

  • anxiety (about what won't get done if we are taking even just a minute off), 
  • guilt (about what we should be doing instead of resting), 
  • and stress (if we aren't doing it, who will? when will it get done?)

Aas we head towards the end of the year, and we are feeling depleted and out of resourcefulness, we need to be more mindful than ever about taking care of ourselves.  

Here's what I have come to understand over the years of working with High Performing Women, is that self care is a very individualized thing. What works for YOU might be very different to what works for someone else.

When it comes to Self Care, do you KNOW you are lacking? Where do you need support? Where do you need to become more mindful?